Boot Camp for New Moms

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My Second Baby: What I’ll Do Differently

With a second baby on the way, a new mom will use what she learned the first time around to be more relaxed and confident. Photo courtesy Jomphong/

It’s amazing how I can hardly remember the newborn days, which were really not that long ago. Our minds must block out those tough times and only allow us to remember the tender moments to make us want to do this again. I’m pregnant with my second and am due a week before my son’s second birthday. Yup, that means that I’ll have two children under two years old!

As first-time-parents we learned so much; some of which we will repeat and others things we will try differently this time around … of course, as long as the baby is willing to go along with the plan (ha!).

Here are my thoughts for our round two:


I will try my best to not nurse this baby to sleep and put them asleep, in the crib, while he/she is still awake. My intent is to help this child learn to self soothe sooner so we can all get more much needed sleep from the beginning. 


Even though I am not working full time with this baby, I will still pump and introduce the baby to a bottle early on. Giving my son a bottle early on was the smartest thing I did and I didn’t even know it. It allowed my husband and other people to feed him and allowed me much needed space, time and sleep, which helped me be more successful with breastfeeding. 

Baby Sitter

My son is 18 months old and we have yet to have anyone besides our family watch our son. This has made date nights too few and far between. I know now that my children won’t die in the care of a stranger for a couple of hours so I need to find a sitter, like yesterday. 

Relationship FIRST

I had been with my husband for 12 years before we had our first child, yet our relationship was still rocked; in good ways and bad. This time, I am going to make a conscious effort to put my marriage before the baby. Children naturally become your main focus because they depend on you for their survival and it is so hard to find the time (or energy!) for your spouse. I plan on scheduling bi-weekly (at least!) date nights to give us the time that we need to ‘check in’ on one another and our relationship. That’s where the whole ‘needing to find a babysitter’ thing will come in handy.

Diaper Bag

I will pack less. Blanket, diaper & wipes for the baby. Granted, I will be packing for two, but I will pack more efficiently this time rather than bringing the medicine cabinet and kitchen everywhere I go. There are stores that sell everything I need in case of an emergency; I guess that didn’t cross my mind before.  


I am going to bring pacifiers to the hospital this time. The hospital wouldn’t allow me to give my son a pacifier and scared me silly about ‘nipple confusion’. The day I finally gave in and gave my son a pacifier, was the most peaceful day of my new-mom life. 

The Baby Gear

This goes back to my diaper bag theory… I will buy what I need when I need it (toys, feeding devices, travel/car accessories etc). I learned quickly that babies are pretty simple and they don’t need everything that is sold to us when we are pregnant. Not to mention, every baby is different and you don’t know what this child will like as opposed to your first child. 


I will do my best to enjoy the baby this time and not to rush each milestone. Every stage is so exciting but now I know how quickly it goes, despite my rushing, and that I will miss each stage as soon as it is gone.

Thinking back and writing this makes me really look forward to doing this all again (it’s crazy to me that I even just wrote that!). I guess I can say that because this time I look forward to welcoming our second set of little feet as a more relaxed and confident Mom!